3,253 research outputs found

    Automated Retrieval of Non-Engineering Domain Solutions to Engineering Problems

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityBiological inspiration for engineering design has occurred through a variety of techniques such as creation and use of databases, keyword searches of biological information in natural-language format, prior knowledge of biology, and chance observations of nature. This research focuses on utilizing the reconciled Functional Basis function and flow terms to identify suitable biological inspiration for function based design. The organized search provides two levels of results: (1) associated with verb function only and (2) narrowed results associated with verb-noun (function-flow). A set of heuristics has been complied to promote efficient searching using this technique. An example for creating smart flooring is also presented and discussed.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Behavioral Criminal Law and Economics

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    A behavioral economics literature identifies how behaviorally-derived assumptions affect the economic analysis of criminal law and public law enforcement. We review and extend that literature. Specifically, we consider the effect of cognitive biases, prospect theory, hedonic adaptation, hyperbolic discounting, fairness preferences, and other deviations from standard economic assumptions on the optimal rules for deterring potential offenders and for regulating (or motivating) potential crime victims, legislators, police, prosecutors, judges, and juries

    Simulating melodic and harmonic expectations for tonal cadences using probabilistic models

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    <p>This study examines how the mind’s predictive mechanisms contribute to the perception of cadential closure during music listening. Using the Information Dynamics of Music model (or IDyOM) to simulate the formation of schematic expectations—a finite-context (or <i>n</i>-gram) model that predicts the next event in a musical stimulus by acquiring knowledge through unsupervised statistical learning of sequential structure—we predict the terminal melodic and harmonic events from 245 exemplars of the five most common cadence categories from the classical style. Our findings demonstrate that (1) terminal events from cadential contexts are more predictable than those from non-cadential contexts; (2) models of cadential strength advanced in contemporary cadence typologies reflect the formation of schematic expectations; and (3) a significant decrease in predictability follows the terminal note and chord events of the cadential formula.</p

    Linking Melodic Expectation to Expressive Performance Timing and Perceived Musical Tension

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    Topology of biological networks and reliability of information processing

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    Biological systems rely on robust internal information processing: Survival depends on highly reproducible dynamics of regulatory processes. Biological information processing elements, however, are intrinsically noisy (genetic switches, neurons, etc.). Such noise poses severe stability problems to system behavior as it tends to desynchronize system dynamics (e.g. via fluctuating response or transmission time of the elements). Synchronicity in parallel information processing is not readily sustained in the absence of a central clock. Here we analyze the influence of topology on synchronicity in networks of autonomous noisy elements. In numerical and analytical studies we find a clear distinction between non-reliable and reliable dynamical attractors, depending on the topology of the circuit. In the reliable cases, synchronicity is sustained, while in the unreliable scenario, fluctuating responses of single elements can gradually desynchronize the system, leading to non-reproducible behavior. We find that the fraction of reliable dynamical attractors strongly correlates with the underlying circuitry. Our model suggests that the observed motif structure of biological signaling networks is shaped by the biological requirement for reproducibility of attractors.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Testosterone Fluctuations in Young Men: The Difference Between Interacting With Like and Not-Like Others

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    The current study investigated young men\u27s testosterone level changes as a result of interacting with other men. Male participants (n = 84) were led to believe that a group they would be interacting with was either similar to them or not similar. The interaction was then one of two types: the other group members were inclusive, or the others excluded the participant during the group interaction. Participants provided saliva samples before and after the interaction. Results suggest that interacting with highly similar men increases circulating testosterone whereas interacting with highly dissimilar men actually lowers testosterone. The nature of the interaction was less important than similarity. Considering that testosterone surges may relate to attempts to gain status within one\u27s group, the results are interpreted as consistent with viewing hormonal changes as a mechanism to alter current behavioral propensities in ways that are likely to be most adaptive. Exploratory analyses suggest a methodologically interesting suppressor effect of the self-report items in predicting testosterone changes
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